This is in response to 9 letters and over 140 signatures and comments from people concerned about 12-step coercion in mental health. Click here to see the petition.
They aren’t going to investigate this particular case. I received this letter from Sarah C. Brown, Deputy Director of Operations and Resources of the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights, for all regions nationwide.

Since then I have continued to file complaints and got a response from the Regional office regarding my complaint about New York State Education Department investigator’s telling me that they “don’t look into the AA thing”, which is what my complaint is all about.
Office of the Secretary
Voice – (212) 264-3313, (800) 368-1019
TDD – (212) 264-2355, (800) 537-7697
Fax – (212) 264-3039
Office for Civil Rights, Region II
Jacob Javits Federal Building
26 Federal Plaza, Suite 3312
New York, NY 10278
January 4, 2017
Thomas Gleason
Oakland, California 94618
RE: Our Transaction Number: 17-255939
Dear Thomas Gleason;
Thank you for your correspondence received on December 5, 2016, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (OCR).
We are in the process of reviewing your correspondence to decide whether OCR has authority and is able to take action with respect to the matters you have raised.
When contacting this office, please remember to include the transaction number that we have given your file. That number is located in the upper
left-hand corner of this letter. If you have any questions, please contact us at the address and/or telephone numbers listed above.
Mrs. Neza for
Linda C. Colón
Regional Manager