Review of Samaritan Counseling of the Southern Tier

Here’s a review of Samaritan Counseling of the Southern Tier in NY (NYS license exempt)No wonder Samaritan deletes reviews wherever they can! I collect them just in case they disappear, because I think trusting silence is highly suspicious when an organization has been around since the 80’s and has zero reviews.

David Olsen Executive Director of Samaritan Counseling of the Capital Region trains therapists in NYS and Samaritan Institute accredited organizations like this one nationwide.

“I was shocked at the treatment that my mother received at the hands of this organization. The patients are vulnerable; the staff is poorly trained and abusive. Among the soundbites my mother and our family was treated to:

* “You are fat and no one will every want you this way. It’s probably why your husband decided to divorce you.” [my mother was being counseled following an abusive divorce and domestic violence-induced depression]

* “Sometimes death is the best option. When you are with God, all suffering ends.” [we were speechless]

* “You will never get better.” [unclear what type of therapeutic effect this remark is supposed to have]

* “Your mother should feel more guilt than she does for leaving her marriage without having first checked with her religious advisors.”

We’ve heard similar concerns from others who were unlucky enough to be subjected to this organization’s services.
Big Warning: The so-called counselors at this nonprofit are ill-trained, there are few to no controls on the more abusive counselors among them, and the damage can be worse than the dangerously low-quality assistance being rendered. Steer clear and invest in higher-quality therapy than provided to the most economically vulnerable members of our community. “