The Need to Cut Through Deep Professional Shame

“In the end, the antidote for shame is acceptance and grace.
This takes a great deal of courage and trust, but it is the only way through shame. Is it a short-term process? Absolutely not. Long-term committed relationships are the best antidote for shame if we are willing to take the risk of removing the “fig leaves” of defense mechanisms, and begin to reveal more of who we really are.” – David Olsen

“You need to cut through this” — Therapist, Samaritan Counseling LCSW

“I will not be returning phone calls” — Therapist, Samaritan Counseling LCSW

“I will not be responding to any further emails.” — David Olsen, Executive Director

“I will not be responding to any more of your emails.” — Michael Kinley, NYS Supervising Investigator

