Establishment Clause Violation Heard By Mass Supreme Judicial Court May 2, 2017

DisruptedPhysician v. Mass Board of Registration in Medicine ( archive)

(79 MB MP4)


Mass Supreme Court Docket (Public Information on DisruptedPhysician v Mass Board of Registration in Medicine) author and victim of 12-step extortion presented arguments to the Supreme Court of Massachusetts May 2. He notes the blocking mechanisms that prevent evidence from even being seen, absurd denial of facts, and in my opinion clear racketeering crimes (that need a RICO investigation), going without any judicial scrutiny.

This is not an isolated case. It is systemic and will affect you or someone you know if action is not taken to stop it, NOW! You can donate to support Dr. Langan and read comments from the people who’ve supported him here.

Podcast by Dr. Langan about the issue, where you can hear directly why this is important:

Episode 1 Treatment Racket

Episode 2 Treatment v Punishment

May 10 – New Motion to notify Justices of Fraud on the Court by Assistant Attorney General Bertram

In the May 2nd arguments, Assistant Attorney General Bertram knowingly misrepresented the existing facts to the court, introducing himself to his own potential legal issues. Michael Langan is not going to let these misrepresentations go unknown, and has filed Petition for Judicial Notice of Fraud on the Court (PDF)









Here is the problem — regulatory capture — which I’ve been documenting on this website, related to the control over licensing of professionals exerted by 12-step members. The reason why doctor/nurse extortion here is so pivotal is that they are the ‘nodes’ of health treatment. If we only have doctors that recommend a religious cult or are in constant fear of retaliation for resisting it, there is no hope of finding an ethical health service provider, especially now that the 12-step industry is forcing insurance companies and government insurance to pay for their fraud. See ‘parity’, and how these 12-step providers are grooming people to demand funding to providers for treatment that is clearly not helping them.

“As a devout Catholic Jesuit, Petitioner believes fully in the power within and does not subscribe to any philosophy of personal helplessness or displacement of blame for one’s own volitional acts.

“Petitioner disagreed fully with the spiritual underpinnings and overt religiosity of the AA 12-step program and suffered great anguish within from being coerced to attend.

“Petitioner did participate without missing a single meeting but repeatedly applied to the Agency to participate in a secular version instead that would not jar so severely with his own deeply-held religious beliefs.

“Petitioner was also required to submit to frequent drug tests ($400-600 per month) at his personal expense which were totally unnecessary and with not one iota of real evidence in the record to support their coerced use.

“The Agency declared in response that he refused to participate in the specified religion-based program required by this Agency, that he violated its order and suspended his license in February 2013.

“This government agency has blocked Petitioner’s ability to earn a living ever since and even after having been informed repeatedly by numerous experts and organizations that it is in willful violation of the Establishment Clause.

“But for Petitioner’s loyalty to the founding principles of the United States, which this government Agency has been proved to not share, he would have silently capitulated to crude and overwhelming government power and participated in the specific religion-based program chosen for him by the government, without raising any concerns.

“That Petitioner chose to consistently bring this Agency’s violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the u.s. Constitution to its attention at the risk of becoming homeless is undeniable testament to his fidelity to the founding principles and the Constitution of the United States and to his own identity as an American, an identity unfortunately not shared by this Agency’s Debra Stoller, Robert Harvey, George zachos or Assistant AG Bertram. “

Additional Documents:

Clean Hair and Nail Tests

Extortionist Letter of Agreement [where attempts to negotiate would result in license suspension] PDF

Secular Substance Abuse Treatment for MA Doctors (Humanist Legal Association argument against Establishment Clause violations by PHS) PDF

Mass Board of Registration in Medicine’s response [that they will not present the Establishment Clause information to the board] PDF

Alternative Proposed Monitoring Plan Ignored by Mass Board of Registration in Medicine

Assistant Attorney General Bertram’s response to Petition for Judicial Notice of Fraud on the Court (PDF)

Arguments about AA meeting attendance in 2012 that are somehow relevant today

Petition for Rehearing 6_26_17

Public Records Request ml

What contract?

This was shortly after being terminated from the 12-step outpatient rehab for complaining about the cost of drug tests and step one worksheets. That was never acknowledged by Samaritan Counseling Center of the Capital Region. Months later, they said my claims to have done those things were ‘contradictory’ (regardless of the fact that I can prove I was there and paid Saint Peters Addiction Recovery Center (SPARC) a lot of money and the most recent interaction before I was terminated from there was with a young counselor who asked me if I could get sober ‘for her’ and had me draw a picture of what ‘powerlessness’ looked like. I drew a dead man.). In the first few months of this nightmare, I was required to go to an inpatient 12-step rehab, and refused.

“Case discussion with Oona Edmands: agreed that Tom will need to have two months of sobriety and weekly sessions with me before he could see Oona Edmands.” – James Garrett 3/17/14



“See me once a month for ‘trust building’ sessions and get approval to have appointment with Oona Edmands after two months” – James Garrett 3/26/14

(at this point my trust of him was rapidly declining after nearly a year of jumping through his increasingly expensive hoops).

Why was my therapist being encouraged to not speak to me if I didn’t do 12-step treatment (I actually already know the answer, and it has to do with James Garrett realizing I was attached to her and realizing he could use that as leverage. He wrote a whole book about doing that. and you can see the reviews here.) and you can see that he was at the time charged with five felonies for this kind of nonsense here. I clearly said to her that I wanted to be done with Saint Peters Addiction Recovery Center and James Garrett’s nonsense and wanted to speak to her about it, and yet James Garrett and David Olsen both seem to have insisted that 12-step was some kind of requirement for me to resume therapy. I never was allowed to tell her what happened in the treatment she recommended, because they created this game where she was supposed to shun any contact with me until and unless I was ‘in recovery’ (which had nothing to do with drinking and everything to do with being ‘in’ AA/rehab).

I’ve been trying to express this scenario in different ways for about three years now and the NYS Education Department said that pretty much nothing I say makes any sense. So I’ve kept trying to make sense, pinpointing themes like emotional extortion, gaslighting, and coercion.

“Tough-love programs often ritualize emotional testimonies and require testimony about conversion experiences as a prerequisite for release from treatment. Because there is no scientific evidence to validate the safety and efficacy of coercive methods, these anecdotes are the “hook” that this multi-billion dollar industry is built upon.” – Setting the Record Straight

Here you can see that those

‘recommendations’ were actually requirements for therapy at Samaritan Counseling, something I wasn’t aware of (I had thought those were negotiable) until the point I was terminated.


I continued to see James Garrett and try to negotiate to be ‘allowed’ to speak to the therapist about this ‘preferred treatment’ that she recommended for about a full year before terminating me with suicidal ideation and the ‘boundary issues’ of wanting to discuss the treatment she insisted I engage in for the ‘possibility’ of having my complaints acknowledged. I never did get to tell her about what happened in the treatment. In fact, my letter attempting to explain the situation got me a response from the Clinical Director Jenness Clairmont (who now promotes Gamblers Anonymous) and Executive Director David Olsen “to inform you that under no circumstances will any further personal contact with the center, its satellites or its personnel be allowable.”

Apparently, James Garrett thinks my attempts to complain about this are ‘Axis 2′ behavior. What I would like is for Oona Edmands to acknowledge that agreements were made and that the way I was being treated under the direction of David Olsen and James Garrett (both confirmed 12-steppers) was unreasonable and weird.




I’ve spent the last three years of my life trying to understand why nobody in NYS Government seems to see the problem here.