Hurts every time that Samaritan Counseling won’t let me talk. It’s cruel and unethical to avoid an important discussion. David Olsen trains therapists of Samaritan Institute and Jenness Clairmont is on the NYS Office of Professions licensing board, and neither of them bothered to respond to my complaint in a reasonable manner.
Imagine if Samaritan Counseling has been handling feedback this way since 1985! Every single Samaritan Counseling Center seems to provide ‘addiction’ services, and that treatment is clearly 12-step ‘Facilitation’ (aka coercive indoctrination). That means in 2013, I had no way of knowing whether anybody had a similar bad experience there, because there are zero reviews to be found, even after 25+ years in business! I did find this one.
Hi Tom,
Your review was brought to our attention by the Yelp community, and we found that it fell outside our Content Guidelines because it did not provide enough detail about your customer experience.
Yelp Support
San Francisco, California
Hi Tom,
We wanted to let you know that we’ve removed your review and review update of Samaritan Counseling Center because of privacy concerns.
Please be aware that reposting content to this business listing may result in closure of your account, and that the content you post will be subject to removal without notification.
Yelp Support
San Francisco, California
Hi Tom,
We wanted to let you know that we’ve removed your review of Samaritan Counseling Center. Our Support team has determined that it falls outside our Content Guidelines (http://www.yelp.com/guidelines) because it lacks a substantive consumer experience. When reviewing, please describe your actual experience with a business.
We hope you will continue to participate on Yelp while keeping our Content Guidelines in mind.
Yelp Support
San Francisco, California
Hi Tom,
We’re writing to let you know that we’ve removed your reviews of Samaritan Counseling Center because the content falls outside our Content Guidelines (http://www.yelp.com/guidelines). When reviewing, you should review the location with which you had a firsthand experience, rather than posting the same experience across multiple listings. Thanks for understanding.
We hope you will continue to participate on Yelp while keeping our Content Guidelines in mind.
Yelp Support
San Francisco, California